Terms of Service


The following outlines the Terms of Service for Clean Power London Ltd (‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’), a private limited company registered in the United Kingdom under company number 12878541. Our registered address is 25 Benson Ave, London, England, E6 3EE. Any communication can be made by email to book@cleanpower.london.

The Terms of Service applies to all Service, and is governed and interpreted by the laws of England and Wales. By using our Service, you are consenting to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


Service is defined as all interaction with Clean Power London Ltd, including but not limited to: website usage, phone call or text, online meetings, emails, Scoping, Project.


Scoping is defined as all communication prior to rendering a Project between Clean Power London Ltd and a Client or potential Client. Often, some discussion is required to understand Project requirements in order to procure a Project.


An Engagement is any delivery of our knowledge and expertise. This is formalised and defined in a Letter of Engagement which is sent to all parties for mutual confirmation and is legally binding. Communication completed during Scoping and/or the Letter of Engagement will formally or informally detail: project description, project stages, client responsibilities, fee structure. The Letter of Engagement also includes a copy of our Terms of Service.

Payment Terms

Invoices are subject to VAT charged at the standard rate for Clients based in the European Union. All Invoices have 30-day payment terms, meaning that payment is due within 30 calendar days of issue.

Automatic payment reminder emails are sent to the Client once an Invoice is overdue. A total of 5 automatic payment reminder emails are sent across the next 30 calendar days. Approaching 30 calendar days overdue, emails will be sent to remind the Client of our Late Payment policy.

Late Payments

Once an Invoice is overdue by 30 calendar days, interest is charged at 8% plus the Bank of England’s base rate for business to business transactions. Interest is calculated and applied daily. Until payment is made, the Invoice is re-issued every 7 calendar days with an additional £10.00 administration fee per re-issue. Accumulated interest plus all administration fees to date are referred to as Late Fees.

When (a) it is judged that the Client has not been responsive or (b) the Invoice is overdue by 44 calendar days, whichever occurs first, a warning email will be sent with a reminder of our Debt Recovery policy. If no reply is given within 3 working days, a letter will also be sent.

Debt Recovery

In the event where an Invoice is overdue by 51 calendar days, Clean Power London Ltd will forward details to a legal entity. This may involve a County Court Judgment (CCJ) requiring payment. It may also start insolvency proceedings which liquidate the Client’s company. Legal proceedings can affect the Client’s credit rating. Any costs of legal proceedings and any other amounts which the court orders must also be paid, in addition to the Invoice inclusive of all Late Fees.


An Engagement terminates on either (a) the last day of the Period of Engagement on the Letter of Engagement, or (b) the day the Engagement is cancelled, whichever occurs first. Upon termination, an Invoice will be sent for any remaining amounts of the Engagement, regardless of work done. The Period of Engagement can be extended by up to 30 calendar days at a time upon mutual agreement, where a notice will be sent to confirm this.


An Engagement can be cancelled voluntarily by the Client at any time. A Cancellation will also occur when the Client demonstrates unexplained unresponsiveness for greater than 30 calendar days, with a warning sent at 21 and 28 calendar days.


During Scoping or Engagement, the Client may like to disclose proprietary information, including industry knowledge and other confidential information. Clean Power London Ltd will not share any of this proprietary information at any time, including after the Engagement is fulfilled.


The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Clean Power London Ltd, its respective affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and permitted successors and assigns against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, penalties, punitive damages, expenses, reasonable legal fees, and costs of any kind or amount whatsoever, which result from the negligence of or breach of the Terms of Service and Letter of Engagement by the indemnifying party, its respective successors and assigns that occurs in connection with this Terms of Service and Letter of Engagement. This section remains in full force and effect even after Termination of the Engagement.

Liability & Warranties

Under no circumstances shall either party be liable to the other party or any third party for any damages resulting from any part of the Terms of Service and Letter of Engagement, such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue or anticipated profit or lost business, costs of delay or failure of delivery, which are not related to or the direct result of a party’s negligence or breach.

Clean Power London Ltd does not represent or warrant that the Engagement will create any additional profits, sales, exposure, brand recognition, or the like. Clean Power London Ltd has no responsibility to the Client if deliverables do not lead to the Client’s desired results.


The Client may use work supplied for the purpose of the Engagement. The Client may use supplied work for other usage upon request. The Client agrees not to give any portion of work supplied to any third party.

Privacy Policy

For information about how Clean Power London Ltd collects, uses, and shares your personal data, please check our Privacy Policy. By using our Service, you agree that Clean Power London Ltd can use such data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of any dispute, the process is to first directly liaise via meeting, phone, email. Failing this, either party is welcome to propose mediation or arbitration (ADR). Where sufficient efforts have been tried without success, the last step is litigation to seek the court’s determination of dispute.

Change of Terms

When Clean Power London Ltd updates the Terms of Service, a notice will be sent via email to existing Clients to update Clients of these changes.

When an Engagement commences, the Terms of Service as of the start date of the Period of Engagement will apply to the duration of the Engagement to the scope of the Engagement only, and a copy of these terms will be enclosed with the Letter of Engagement.

last updated 19 Dec 2023