From print to digital: an online home for Thiiird Magazine

When Thiiird approached us, they had a fantastic print magazine, and now, it was time to boost their online presence. Thiiird showcases fashion, arts, and culture, centralising underrepresented people. Their goal was to be a leading 360° media platform. However, their existing website was clunky, slow, cluttered, buggy, and difficult for the team to use.

We recreated Thiiird’s website, drawing inspiration from its print magazine. Thiiird now have an invigorating new online home. It is intuitive, easy-to-use, clear, exciting. It encourages viewers to explore, keep reading, and stay on the website. The team are relieved that the website is easy to update, including for non-technical staff. At last, their website aligns with their other touch points including social media and community events. Thiiird now confidently use their website to grow community, increase sales, attract partnerships.



Cluttered website, does not follow design conventions.

Website not aligned with other touch points including print magazine and social media.

Viewers find it difficult to use, share content, and navigate.

Buggy website with slow loading images and 404 pages.

Difficult, painful backend for team.

Difficult to track analytics, hindering growth.

Same layout for regular articles and photo stories.

Difficult to sync with integrations for additional features.

Not ideal to use website to attract sales and partnerships.


Clean, vibrant website.

Website is a central product of their brand.

Viewers find it easy to explore, keep reading, stay on the website, and share content.

Easy-to-use, functional website.

Easy-to-use, pleasant backend for team.

Easy to track analytics, enabling growth.

Beautiful, bespoke layout for photo stories amongst regular articles.

Easy-to-use integrations, enabling memberships, scheduling, and selling on Instagram.

Confidence using new website to attract sales and partnerships.



Platform Investigation
Web Design & Strategy
Technical Investigation
Graphic Design
Custom Code

 Vision Statements

To begin, Thiiird compiled Vision Statements, imagining where they'd like to be. These included: ‘I want Thiiird to have an online presence that carefully communicates our brand identity, values, and USP.’ ‘I want to people to interact with our content, taking time to read the articles. I want them to feel inclined to share on to friends and social platforms. I want to use the website to grow our community, subscribers, and supporters.’ ‘I want to put an end to 404 pages, slow-loading images, and things not working as they should.’ ‘I want an easy back-end so the team can upload new content without major tech skills.’ ‘I want to use the website to attract sales and partnerships.’


Platform Investigation

We quickly learned that Thiiird’s existing platform was tough to use, buggy, and difficult to improve. Thiiird commissioned a Technical Investigation where we provided recommendations on alternate platforms, including costings, pros, and cons.

This also included a competitor survey. We found out which systems their competitors and inspiration websites used to gain insight into the best solution for Thiiird.


Web Design & Strategy

We aligned with Thiiird’s goals, planning a new website to achieve them. We collaborated on website structure and page ideas, working back-and-forth to completion. We completed the website’s graphic design, referencing their print magazine’s bold colors and confidence.

The website also comprises of templates Thiiird can use to generate more similar pages. We provided Thiiird templates for (i) a section summary page (e.g. ‘Arts’, ‘Opinion’), (ii) a regular article, (iii) a photo story.


Migrating Content

Thiiird were initially nervous about migrating their existing content over to a new platform. Thankfully, migrations are usually easy to do with technical know-how. In one step, we migrated their existing content to the new platform.


Team Tutorials

We provided 1:1 guidance to Thiiird to ensure smooth sailing. Thiiird are relieved that the new platform is already much more team-friendly. To aid further, we also supplied an extensive set of custom tutorial videos covering all aspects of their new online home.


Promo Video




We offer a unique introductory consultation, where you get to bring your ideas, questions and current position to a 1.5 hour workshop with Clara. You can discuss anything that suits you. Ideas? We can: Hash out a game plan, see what working with us could look like. Answer any question under the sun. Have us do something for you, such as look at a piece of code/bug, audit a platform/software. Provide any analysis/recommendation we can that time. Book via link below, or simply contact us to inquire more about our services.